Tobias 12480

Current Status: Citizen

CP Count: 238

Last Updated: November 15, 2020

A flighty thing that prefers the comfort of a dark and cozy library or reading nook than the winds on the open road. Easily spooked and made nervous, it takes awhile for him to warm up to others enough to share the vast knowledge he has acquired over the years of his life. He makes for a great assistant librarian, and that is all he ever wants in his life - having very few aspirations beyond that. It makes him content and peaceful in his station, and easy to get along with if you don't accidentally sneak up on him.

P-please just stay right there, you'll step on my books if you come closer!

Genetic Information

Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Vayron
Type: Runner
Fur: Lisse

- Long Ears

- Brush Tail

- Round Eyes

Genotype: Cin+TbTb/nR
Phenotype: Cinnamon with Tobiano and Ray
Black Tanspots Carrier


------------------------------------------ SSS: Nadez 3605
----------------- SS: Charlie 4228
------------------------------------------ SSD: Ajani 403
Sire: Hank 8248
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Norvegi 5695
------------------------------------------ SDD: Siren 001
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Wendigo 061
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Inknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

Image Tracker and CP Counts

Dramatic Desert Dig x10

Fullbody + 2
Colored + 3
Shaded + 2
Finished background + 2
Land Bonus + 1
Personal work + 1
Added Reos + 2 [Siris 11256
Fawn Ingin +2 [Siris 11256]
Guild Reos + 1 [Siris 11256] Questing +1
17 x 10 images
Total = 170

Still Digging To This Day

Fullbody + 2
Colored + 3
Shaded + 2
Finished background + 2
Land Bonus + 1
Personal work + 1
Added Reos + 2 [Siris 11256
Fawn Ingin +2 [Siris 11256]
Guild Reos + 1 [Siris 11256] Questing +1
17 x 4 images
Total = 68

All images are (c) their artists!